The enchanting production follows Princess Aurora and her unlikely companion, Milo the dragon, as they embark on a magical adventure through mystical Ipswich. Their journey is threatened by the sinister Thornica, a jealous fairy determined to curse the princess, while Fairy Rosie races against time to thwart the evil plan.
A talented cast
The production brings together an impressive ensemble of actor-musicians:
Max Gallagher takes on the role of the wicked Thornica, bringing extensive theatre experience from productions like War Horse and Richard III
Craig Anderson plays Fairy Rosie, fresh from appearances in shows including Hansel and Gretel and Jack and the Beanstalk
Mya Fox-Scott stars as Princess Aurora, following performances in various West End productions
What to expect
Live rock and pop music throughout the show
Family-friendly entertainment suitable for all ages
Special late-night performances (9pm) for audiences aged 16+
Running from 22 November to 18 January
Added benefits
Theatre-goers can enjoy a 15% discount at the New Wolsey's Café & Bar by choosing sustainable transport options. Simply show your:
Train ticket
Bus pass
Bike photo
Show ticket
Book your tickets now for what promises to be a thoroughly enchanting twist on this beloved fairy tale, packed with music, mayhem and magical moments.