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Mother and daughter both say 'hello' to college life this term


A 52-year-old mum and her 16-year-old daughter are starting new courses at Suffolk New College this week, marking an exciting journey for both.

Suffolk New College welcomes over 3,000 students this term, each with a unique story and aspirations. One mother-daughter duo is making the experience a family affair.

The big picture: Emma, a language teacher from Hadleigh, begins her level two horticulture course at the Suffolk Rural campus. At the same time, her daughter Libby, who lives in Ipswich, starts her health and social care programme at the Suffolk New College Ipswich campus.

Emma Day and her daughter Libby Powell
Emma Day and Libby Powell are starting a new course at the same college at the same timeSuffolk New College

In their words: While studying at different campuses, they plan to support each other throughout their educational journeys.

Emma said: “I’ve recently gone down to three days a week (as a teacher). I’ve enrolled with the idea of eventually building up the gardening (as a future career). I like the outdoors – it’s my happy place. I’m really excited (to be starting the course). I’ve got my plant list and my daughter has been testing me on the Latin names (of plants) - and I can’t wait to get started. I’ve heard good things about the college.”

Libby said: “Starting at the same college with my mum seems weird – but we will of course support each other.”

The bottom line: Emma's career change at 52 demonstrates that it's never too late to follow your passion, and Libby will take her first step towards her dream of joining the Royal Navy.

Council set to award up to £5.3m to undisclosed town centre regeneration projects


Ipswich Borough Council's Executive is set to approve grants worth up to £5.3m to revitalise empty spaces in the town centre.

The big picture: An independent expert panel has selected five projects to receive funding from the Town Centre Regeneration Fund, part of the Ipswich Town Deal.

  • The chosen projects will initially receive small development grants to test feasibility and costs.

  • After this stage, the panel will consider awarding larger grants for project delivery.

  • The selected projects have still not been disclosed to the public.

  • £5m remains in the fund for the council to bring other key buildings back into use.

A photo of The Botanist, a bar in Ipswich
The Botanist was one project funded by the Towns Deal fundOliver

What they're saying:

Councillor Neil MacDonald, Ipswich Borough Council Leader, said: "There are some very exciting projects being recommended by the expert panel and I look forward to being able to reveal them when further checks have been made on their viability."

David Ralph, the Town Deal and Ipswich Vision Board Chair, added: "There were 21 applications to the Regeneration Fund and the best five have been selected by the expert panel. I look forward to the projects coming to fruition and helping Ipswich to thrive."

Why it matters: The Towns Fund programme aims to significantly improve the Ipswich town centre, building on previous projects such as The Botanist, Suffolk New College, and the University.

What's next: The Executive will meet on Tuesday 10 September 2024 at 6pm to discuss the grants.

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