Ipswich.co.uk Founder and Editor Oliver Rouane-Williams provides a quick overview of the site's first week since officially launching on 05 August 2024.
The stats
Here's our key stats for the week starting 05 August 2024:
763 average visitors per day
1k+ visitors for two consecutive days for the first time
227 new subscribers to our daily roundup
The stories
We published 37 articles in what was another busy week. The stories we covered included:
The tragic murder of Courtney Mitchell – we broke the story, and covered events throughout the evening, and our images were used by The Mail, The Sun and Channel 5
Sad news of Dr. Albert Grant OBE's passing
News that Ipswich's housing target was set to increase by over 60%
This week
Keep an eye out for our street team and mobile billboard later in the week.
You'll see us at the train station and various other locations on Thursday, the town centre on Friday and at Portman Road on Saturday as Town kick off their Premier League season against Liverpool.
How you can help
As always, thank you for your support.
Please keep spreading the word. I can't emphasize enough how much it helps.
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