There are 3 traffic restrictions and 12 planned roadworks in Ipswich today. Check before you travel.
Please note that this report includes only confirmed works and restrictions. Emergency works may occur at short notice.
Today's traffic restrictions in Ipswich
Boot Street, Great Bealings: Road closure and diversion route in place from today until December 8, with delays likely due to streetworks being carried out by Suffolk County Council.
Kingsgate Drive, Ipswich: Road closure in place from today until December 6, with a diversion route via Lancing Avenue. Works being managed by Suffolk County Council.
Road From A1214 to Tesco Superstore, Pinewood: Road closure in place from today until December 3, with a diversion route via Copdock Mill Interchange to London Road.
Today's planned roadworks in Ipswich
Arundel Way, Rushmere St Andrew: Two-way traffic signals in place from today until December 4 for footway repairs outside number 47.
Bixley Road, Ipswich: Multi-way signals in place from today until December 4 for a topographical survey near the junction with Ashdown Way.
Kingsgate Drive, Ipswich: Road closure from today until December 6 for installation of new tactile paved crossing points between Colchester service road and Lancing Avenue junction.
Road From A1214 to Tesco Superstore, Pinewood: Road closure from today until December 3 for urgent roundel line marking replacement works.
Sproughton Road, Ipswich: Multi-way signals in place from today until December 6 for Openreach works.
Westerfield Road, Ipswich: Two-way signals in place from today until December 6 for installation of drop kerbs for Bellway Homes construction access.
Wherstead Road, Ipswich: Two-way signals in place today only for Anglian Water works.
A12 Martlesham: Lane closure in place from today until December 3 for urgent stop line works around the roundabout.
Chelsworth Avenue, Ipswich: Give and take traffic control in place from today until December 4 for Anglian Water works.
Egglestone Close, Ipswich: Temporary obstruction with 15-minute delays today only for carriageway resurfacing works.
Rosecroft Road, Ipswich: Give and take traffic control from today until December 4 for CityFibre works.
Shakespeare Road, Ipswich: Multi-way signals in place from today until December 3 for Openreach works.
Motorists are advised to plan their journeys accordingly and allow extra time when travelling through these areas.