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Our guide to Ipswich school Oftsted ratings


Our comprehensive overview of local school performance, based on the latest Ofsted ratings.

Ofsted inspections reveal that 88% of Ipswich schools have achieved 'Good' or 'Outstanding' ratings, with only a handful requiring improvement.

The big picture: Ofsted ratings serve as a crucial benchmark for educational quality, influencing parental choices and highlighting areas of excellence and improvement across Ipswich's schools.

By the numbers:

  • 58 schools rated in total

  • 7 schools rated Outstanding (12%)

  • 44 schools rated Good (76%)

  • 7 schools rated Requires Improvement (12%)

  • No schools rated Inadequate

Why it matters: These ratings impact school reputations and student enrollment and can affect community development and property values in Ipswich.

Key insights:

  • Several special schools and nurseries have achieved 'Outstanding' ratings

  • Recent inspections show consistent performance, with most schools maintaining 'Good' ratings

  • A small number of schools require improvement

We shall continue to update the table as new ratings are published by Ofsted.

Council set to award up to £5.3m to undisclosed town centre regeneration projects


Ipswich Borough Council's Executive is set to approve grants worth up to £5.3m to revitalise empty spaces in the town centre.

The big picture: An independent expert panel has selected five projects to receive funding from the Town Centre Regeneration Fund, part of the Ipswich Town Deal.

  • The chosen projects will initially receive small development grants to test feasibility and costs.

  • After this stage, the panel will consider awarding larger grants for project delivery.

  • The selected projects have still not been disclosed to the public.

  • £5m remains in the fund for the council to bring other key buildings back into use.

A photo of The Botanist, a bar in Ipswich
The Botanist was one project funded by the Towns Deal fundOliver

What they're saying:

Councillor Neil MacDonald, Ipswich Borough Council Leader, said: "There are some very exciting projects being recommended by the expert panel and I look forward to being able to reveal them when further checks have been made on their viability."

David Ralph, the Town Deal and Ipswich Vision Board Chair, added: "There were 21 applications to the Regeneration Fund and the best five have been selected by the expert panel. I look forward to the projects coming to fruition and helping Ipswich to thrive."

Why it matters: The Towns Fund programme aims to significantly improve the Ipswich town centre, building on previous projects such as The Botanist, Suffolk New College, and the University.

What's next: The Executive will meet on Tuesday 10 September 2024 at 6pm to discuss the grants.

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